Saturday, February 21, 2009

IF: Instinct

Harry the spider could not believe his eight eyes! He knew humans hated spiders and that they by instinct, would smash him with a big shoe upon sight. But today was his lucky day as this human whisked him by his string and put him outside where he belongs. So long Harry!


Anonymous said...

This is really cute! My daughter would absolutely die if she saw this, she is a true, aracnophobian!

Unknown said...

oh what a cute piece...and my Mom always says don't kill a spider...great details!!!


Madonna Davidoff said...

I just saw a spider 2 days ago in our c\eiling and your image remeinded me of it.

M G said...

this is so cute! Nicely rendered too! My neighbourhood spideys also get a helping hand. ;)

Unknown said...

You are getting so much better in Illistrator. In this picture you remembered your source of light, point of view, focal point, and most of all depth. This is a long way from your first work in this program and I like it. Go Buddha!