Thursday, October 29, 2009

IF: Fast

Never come to my house and leave your food unattended, not even for a second. . . I'm just warning ya ahead of time.  Boris the cat is lurking around and he'll snatch your hamburger up and gobble it before you can blink!

And the more this seems to happen the funnier it gets, because you think we would learn our lesson after the gazillionth time.  My poor brother-in-law.  He is always bringing fast food over the house, and Boris has stolen it so many times.  And it's not just fast food he is after, he'll eat anything that's not cat food.  He'll even eat the wrapper it came in.  I have never in my life had a cat with an appetite quite like my Boris kitty.  I did find him outside and rescued him as a big kitten, and something makes me think that he was adopted by a pack of scavenging wild raccoons!  Despite his voracious appetite, he is quite the loving affectionate little snuggle bug.  So I guess we'll keep him.  :)        


Marcia said...

this is so funny. Maybe someone could change "Boris the Spider" to "Boris the kitty cat".

Unknown said...

oh wow!!! this is fantastic Cynthia!!! I love it and the details are amazing....

I need a burger now!!!



Sally Taylor said...

Fantastic! I had a kitty once who would climb into the trash can to dig out cantalope rinds. Crazy cats!

life without novacaine said...

This is hilarious! Your cat has a great personality! Nice illo by the way.

Christine Chavis said...

i ABSOLUTLEY ADORE THIS!It captures boris to a T!