So here come the holidays rushing in. Upon pulling out all of my decorations, I start finding special little things she gave me. A good deal of my Christmas stuff my Mom bought me or made herself. Some things I forgot about, and more than likely I would have a good cry upon discovering them. I even saved Christmas cards she sent with loving little notes written before she was sick. I am such a sap when it comes to those things, and I save all of it. Most of the time it gives me comfort, but sometimes it evokes a sadness that is so overwhelming. Today was one of those days. So. . . I decided to pack it up. Yep, two days before Christmas. I don't want to do it this year.
I have cried and cried so much in dealing with the various stages of sickness and loss, twice. And it just hurts so much to cry more. I really don't want to, and most of my close friends and family expect me to. They will even come over my house bearing big bottles of wine I like, so we can drink and have a good healthy cry. When I do have those kinds of cries, I am almost always alone and they don't get to see that. So maybe with this blog post and getting all of my emotions out for the world to see (eeek!) everyone who may be concerned will know where I am coming from. Because people do ask all the time, and especially now.
In dealing with cancer these past two years with my Parents, all I want to do is heal. I've carried such pain with me since then, and I can't imagine holding onto it for the rest of my life. Although it will certainly always be there. I know that kind of pain can really consume a person. At the same time, I don't ever want to forget them. I want to honor their legacy, remembering what they have taught me and displaying their little special things in prominent places in my home, always. I want to remember them with love, and not the pain of loosing them. But wow, right now it's really hard.